Timecards to Postcards

Chronicles of the Young family's great RV adventure

About Us

Hi there! For those of you who don’t know the back story, in the middle of 2019, Chelsea, Sean, Lexi, and Bruno decided to take a year off and travel around the United States beginning in Feb/Mar 2020.

With only a few weeks of vacation each year, we have always made the most of it by taking amazing international trips: most recently Jordan, Thailand, Kenya & Tanzania…we’ve seen some really amazing places and experienced vastly different cultures. But we hadn’t really explored the beauty in our own backyard; there are so many spectacular places in the United States. We also wanted to hike the many national and state parks while we are still young and physically fit. So we bought an RV, Sean quit his job, and Chelsea obtained approval for personal leave from work from March 2020 to March 2021.

[vrview img=”https://timecardstopostcards.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Soldiers-Pass-3D-scaled.jpg“]

[vrview img=https://timecardstopostcards.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Soldiers-Pass-3D-scaled.jpg